At last…

I’ve found true love.

17 Responses to At last…

  1. krm says:

    Potential yes, but what the hell is up with the Soviet Union shirt?

  2. Fiona says:

    Hah, exactly what I was about to say! I do not like her clothing choices at all. Pretty great body though. She reminded me a little of Jacinda Barret.

  3. Murray says:

    There was a shirt?

  4. krm says:

    Murray, take off the x-ray specs and try your reading glasses.

    You might have to send her to re-education camp before your could trust her with those guns.

  5. Old Fat Sailor says:

    krm, Murray’s eyes are bigger than his….

  6. Alisa says:

    The font is too small…his what?

  7. george says:

    What are you thinking Murray? Never marry someone with superior firepower!

  8. Murray says:

    Not an issue, I’m armoured corps.

    And whats this “marry” thing anyway? Quickest way I know to mess up a good relationship.

  9. Murray says:

    You Ruskies are being ignored in case you missed it.

  10. george says:

    Balls. Marriage is the best thing thats ever happened to me, and the rest wasn’t bad either.

  11. Alisa says:

    What? I was talking about the font, not anyone’s thinking organs or anything like that.

  12. Old Fat Sailor says:

    What can one expect Alisa, bolshoi ne kulturni, da?

  13. Alisa says:

    You have no idea!

  14. Gadfly says:

    I’d go communist if it meant I could shoot guns with her (insert numerous entendre)

    Or would that be “entendrae”?

  15. Alisa says:


  16. Alisa says:

    You are welcome.

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