Alec Baldwin… child abuser.

Any comment from Sue Bradford about this?

Course not, Baldwin is fellow leftie.

Fellow asshole as well. If it was my kid he talked to like that I smack him into next week and elect trial by jury.

But hey at least he didn’t smack her eh Sue. Although I do detect an implied threat to “sort out” the girl. Regardless of how much the child may or may not be a little shit if this would have to scare the crap out of her and is completely out of line. The prick doesn’t even know how old she is for gods sake.

Way to make Kim’s case for her you knob.

13 Responses to Alec Baldwin… child abuser.

  1. Alisa says:

    BTW, if this child is a little shit, it is obvious that it’s thanks to her having a pair of big shits for parents. Some people should just be banned from procreation.

  2. Dr Helen has a telling if not wholly interesting conversation going on in the comments on her site about this whole kerfuffle.

    You can smell the political lines being drawn between “you do not treat your child like that” and “don’t judge, you don’t know the whole situation.”

    Any excuse for one of their own.


  3. Alisa says:

    True. You might be surprised, though that I tend to agree with both sides. I am not judging, either. All I know is that these three are not the kind of people I’d like to be associated with in any way. I always thought A. Baldwin is a creep, so no surprise there. As for Basinger, I always suspected that she was not very bright, or did not have much in the way of personality, especially after she married that creep. The fact that she made this phone call public just reinforced that impression.

  4. Alisa says:

    …these three… sorry, I just realized that I should not have lumped the child with her idiot parents. She may well be a good kid, despite the circumstances. The mere fact that she does not answer her father’s calls is not evidence enough to the contrary.

  5. Gadfly says:

    I love that he left this incriminating message on the phone of a girl he just called a piece of shit pig. Surely she wouldn’t allow the MEDIA to get wind of it? *chuckle*

  6. george says:

    I have not got a clue who Alec Baldwin is or what he does. Sounds to me like someone who was right out of hand just got the message. If you can’t stand being squared away by your father…well theres always the wonderful opportunity of being a street kid.

  7. Alisa says:

    George: they are famous Hollywood actors who were married, and are now divorced.

    Being squared away by an absent father (even if he is absent through no fault of his own, which I seriously doubt is the case here), is not the same as by a father who is there actually being a father. Besides, are you really saying that this kind of tone and language is an appropriate way to “square away” an 11 year old?

  8. george says:

    Yep, sometimes anger is really appropriate, and tone comes into that.

    Language? I don’t know what the base line is for conversation in that house but if it is anything like what is spoken on evening television it seems pretty average. …thoughtless pain in the ass, …rude little pig??????

    Well maybe her loving mother can hang out the dirty washing and claim monumental hurt and damage with the aid of a tame psychiatrist.

    Who is going to be the loser? My money says the daughter.

    The father is not wrong to get her to staighten up and fly right. Its part of growing up.

  9. krm says:

    George – It appears that, at the very least, both parents are whack jobs (classic Hollywood narsisistic moonbats). The kid may or may not be – hard to tell from what is known at the moment.

  10. Alisa says:

    Yes, krm, that is the point I was making. As to language on TV, it has absolutely nothing to do with this. My son occasionally watches this kind of junk, but he would never in my wildest dream speak like that. The reason being that neither I nor my husband ever use this kind of language towards him or each other. Also, when he was younger, I closely monitored his TV “consumption”. These days, when he is 13, I rarely censor what he watches, although I still limit the amount of time spent in front of the screen. Blaming television for the kids’ behavior is off the mark. Kids have parents, and TV remotes have buttons. Both have their uses.

  11. Alisa says:

    BTW, Alec Baldwin is also the guy who promised threatened to emigrate from the US if Bush was elected in 2004. I wonder how many people actually held their breath for that one – what a massive reduction in carbon footprint that must have been.

  12. george says:

    Alisa, I threw my TV set out 7 years back and have not regreted doing so for a minute.

    It explains my blissful ignorance about who is up who, and who hasn’t paid among the Hollywood folks.

    As for bad language I have lived all my adult life with it among hairy legged men. I apologise if my base line is set lower than what young girls should hear.

    No excuses.

  13. Alisa says:

    George: in this case ignorance is indeed bliss:-) I wanted to throw mine out for many years, but my husband would not let me. I am not sure I would have the guts to do that if he did, though. I do derive some entertainment from it, even though I think I am paying too much for it.

    As for the rest of your comment, I am not sure I understand it correctly. I take iy you don’t have kids.

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